taidemaalari pirkanmaa

Julia Janka

Visual artist and graphic designer

Commissioned art and graphic design

I am a nature illustrator and portrait painter. Broad scope in the field of art makes my work meaningful and rewarding. Welcome to get to know my artworks and my background!

“I am excited about your work and find it to be very impressive. You use vivid colors that stimulate the viewer’s eye. I specifically enjoy Close/Lähellä. I find your work to be fresh and contemporary.”

Tiah Farkas
Publicist & Associate Curator
NY Arts Magazine


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Small blond-haired boys and girls with red cheeks tell the onlooker of childhood. Children are the embodiment of the mystery of life. A child’s bright eyes have a direct gaze through decades and even centuries.

– Maria Laukka, in the book Lapsi Suomen taiteessa. (Excerpt translated freely.)

Humans, animals and plants are an endless source of inspiration. I am sensitive to sensing the environment and people’s moods. I curiously examine everything I see in nature. In art, I want to combine poetry and imagination with anatomy and natural science. I try to grasp some mystery and build a new creative grammar, new stories and references.

Ihminen, eläinkunta ja kasvikunta ovat loputon innoituksen lähde. Olen herkkä aistimaan tunnelmia ja ihmisten mielialoja. Tutkin uteliaasti kaikkea luonnossa näkemääni. Taiteessa haluan yhdistää anatomiaan ja luonnontieteeseen runollisuutta ja mielikuvitusta. Yritän tarttua johonkin mysteeriin ja rakentaa uutta luovaa kielioppia, uusia tarinoita ja viittauksia.